
A great crowd of regional business leaders convened at the June 17th General Membership Luncheon & Annual Meeting at Jumping Brook Country Club to hear NJBIA’s Chrissy Buteas explain the good and the bad of what’s coming down the pike in Trenton.
The New Jersey Legislature has had a somewhat unique task this year in developing the 2022-2023 State Budget, and when all is said and done, it will have an impact on nearly every individual, business and organization in the state. There are billions of dollars of surplus in the State’s treasury this year, and business leaders and legislators are actively seeking opportunities to use some of it to reduce the burden on businesses and organizations of all sizes.
There are also a number of legislative initiatives working their way through the Senate and Assembly that could provide some assistance to the business community by way of environmental regulation changes, workforce development and training assistance as well as tax relief. All of this combined could offer a much needed boost to the business community and the state economy as a whole. If any of this seems like it could help you in some way, be proactive and contact your state representative and let them know.
Monmouth County Clerk, Christine Hanlon, was on hand to install the newly elected officers and directors of MODC. Attendees welcomed Matt Appel as the new President for the 2022-2023 year, and thanked outgoing President Nancy Barone for her leadership over the past two years as the organization steered through the pandemic.